Participate in NHGives for Wanakee

Participate in NHGives for Wanakee

Campers and Staff Excited with their Hands Up

Dear Friends,

Because of people like you, Wanakee’s last few years have been filled with growth, positive momentum, and changed lives. You’ve made it possible for more campers and more people to experience the spirit of Wanakee, a spirit of compassion, love, peace, acceptance, and joy. Thank you for believing in that spirit.

The last few years have also brought us face-to-face with unavoidable, challenging realities. The first is that our one-of-a-kind site, with all its unique charm and history and beauty, is aging. The second is that the current chapter of the United Methodist movement is an uncertain one.

NH Gives Banner with Date

In these challenges, there are opportunities. Through our physical site’s investment needs, we can make smart, proactive decisions that will pay dividends in the long run. For example, when the Rec Hall leach field’s failure lead to an unexpected $23,000 expenditure, the new system was scaled up for a larger building because our vision is to replace the Rec Hall with a space that sleeps more than the current one. This means we may have already built the first component of a much-needed new building. Though the trees near the Dining Hall are iconic, removing them for safety reasons lets us be intentional about how we use that space (by grinding the stumps), and eliminates endless sap on picnic tables by planting new maples.

Furthermore, as the church works to find its way as a connected, global body in today’s world, Wanakee is needed more than ever. We must continue to serve as a model of intentional Christian community, rich in spirit and in opportunities to build positive, affirming, supportive relationships. Vibrant children and youth, energetic young leaders, inspiring longtime volunteers, and people from all walks of life make this a reality each summer.

I write today to ask for your support as we continue building a bright future through smart, necessary investment. From 6 PM on Tuesday June 11th until 6 PM on Wednesday June 12th, Wanakee is participating in “New Hampshire Gives,” a powerful, statewide 24-hour online fundraising event. Can we count on your support? Visit to learn about NH Gives, to donate, or to become a fundraising champion. You can also mail your gift directly to camp.

This spring alone, we’ve spent over $40,000 on new roofs, new septic systems, new water heaters, and more. In the next 1-3 years, we hope to purchase 60 new camper beds, we expect to need a new truck, and we’ve identified significant repair needs to the Upper Showerhouse. Beyond any of that, we dream of development and improvement – a Dining Hall expansion, winterized Farmhouse, new health office, and more.

The sustainable model for Wanakee requires consistent investment and involvement from our community. You’ve already shown you are ready and excited to make that commitment – I hope we can count on you again in 2019 through NH Gives.

Grace and Peace,

James B. Tresner
Executive Director

P.S. NH Gives will be most effective if people like you help us get the word out. Visit and search for “Wanakee” to be a part of it!

Social media signs: Feel free to print these out, write your message, and share on social media!

Matt WilfridWanakee