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Wanakee Work Day in June

Wanakee June Work Day

Volunteers Putting up the Program Yurt at Wanakee

Register Here


Saturday, June 6, 2020 - 9:00am to 3:00pm


Come to Wanakee Work Day and work with others who love Wanakee as you help open up camp this spring!

Can you do light carpentry, cut and haul brush, plant flowers, paint tables, rake leaves, clean dishes and buildings, work with docks, and/or open cabins?

We need volunteers to help prepare camp for the summer. Individuals, families, youth groups, church groups, mission teams are encouraged to come! All ages and skill levels welcome. Coffee, light snacks, and lunch provided.

Reservations are requested to plan for meals.

Work day, including outdoor work, will be held rain or shine.

Grade or Age - All Ages

Cost - Free!

Registration status and information


Register online on Wanakee's website

Earlier Event: May 2
CANCELLED - Work Day in May
Later Event: June 20